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Tag Archive: 'motivational quote'

Be Happy with What you Have

Be Happy with What you Have

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Build a Life, Not a Resume

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think happy, be happy class media

Think Happy, Be Happy


Follow your Heart

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Happiness is letting go of what you think your life is supposed to look like and celebrating it for everything it is- Mandy Hale

Dr. Seuss quote Classy Media

Why Fit In When You Were Born to Stand Out

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Please and Thank you Classy Media

Please and Thank You are still magic words

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You Catch More Bees with Honey

You Catch More Bees with Honey Please feel free to use and share the image above. Please do not crop the watermark off of the image. Thank you!


Chase Your Dreams

You have two choices every morning: Continue to sleep with your dreams or wake up and chase them


Be Kind

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