Finding (and Keeping) Your Motivation | Classy Media

Finding (and Keeping) Your Motivation

Finding (and Keeping) Your Motivation

Motivation is an elusive beast, especially on those Monday mornings when getting out of bed seems like a task! There are a lot of different ways to attempt to kick start your motivation and I wanted to share a few of my favorites with you.

  • Most unpleasant task first- this sounds counter intuitive, I know, but when you do the task you dread most first the rest of your day does not seem so bad
  • Create a “to-accomplish” list- changing your mind set from “to-do” to “to-accomplish” is a small change that makes your mind feel satisfaction each time you cross an item off. Instead of just finishing a “to-do” you accomplished something!
  • Small achievements throughout the day- the endorphins you get from completing a task help you get through the rest of your “to-accomplish” list. If you are stuck on getting a large project that seems daunting, do something small like empty the dishwasher, file your papers, shred those confidential documents. Not only will it boost your spirit because you achieved something, it will shorten your list and motivate you to keep pushing forward
  • Limit distractions- this one is a no brainer but might be the most difficult. You might know you spend too much time on Facebook or Pinterest but how do you limit it? There are a lot of tools out there to help limit your time and even block those distractions. One great add-on for Firefox is Leechblock, check it out here and start limiting your online distractions

We all have those dreary mornings when your get-up-and-go got-up-and-left. How do you motivate yourself to accomplish the things you need to do for the day? Please share in the comments.

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